
The 32nd Session of I·CARE Salon: The Hope of Poverty Eradication - Research on Poverty of Hong Kong in 30 years


18 Apr 2024


7:00 – 9:00 pm


Lecture Theatre 2, Yasumoto International Academic Park


Speaker: Prof. Wong Hung
Host: Prof. Chow Po-chung (Department of Government and Public Administration)

Biography of Speaker:

Prof. Wong Hung received his B. Sc. In Social Work in The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), M.Phil. and Ph.D. from the University of Warwick. He is currently an associate professor in the Department of Social Work at CUHK. He serves as an Associate Director of the CUHK Institute of Health Equity and is the Founder and Director of the Good Impact Assessment Institute (GIA Institute). He is actively involved in various poverty reduction efforts and served as the Vice Chairperson of Oxfam Hong Kong, the Chairperson of the Committee on Social Security and Employment Policy at the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, and the Chairperson of Hong Kong Unison.

Prof. Wong’s research interests include Poverty, Deprivation, & Social Exclusion, Social Security, Labour Policy, & Social Policies, Community Economic Development & Social Enterprise, Programme Evaluation & Social Impact Assessment, Working Poor, Homeless People, & Marginal Groups, Quality of Life & Well-being. His notable publication, “The Hope of Poverty Eradication: Examination of the Poverty Problem in Hong Kong”, was awarded the 26th Secondary Students’ Best Ten Books Election. Additionally, Prof. Wong has an extensive portfolio of scholarly contributions, with approximately 80 journal articles published.


I·CARE Centre for Whole-person Development
Student Experience and Development Section
Office of Student Affairs

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