
Virtual Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo in the Metaverse


15 Jun 2023


09:30 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. (Details please refer to the programme on the event website)


Keynote Addresses : Mozilla Hubs & Online via Zoom | Pre-recorded presentations : Mozilla Hubs


Please refer to the event details.

Biography of Speaker:

Please refer to the event details.


We cordially invite academics and staff members in the education sector to attend the VTL Innovation Expo in the Metaverse. For registration:


Virtual Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo Organising Committee

Event Details:

The “Virtual Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo in the Metaverse”, which will be held virtually in the Metaverse on 15 June 2023 (HKT). This exhibition is jointly organised by The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST). In addition, the Innovation Expo is in collaboration with the Teaching and Learning Community of Practice at the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) of CUHK to co-create dialogue around VTL innovative practice during the pandemic and beyond.

This exhibition is our finale event of a two-year inter-institutional initiative, “Establishing Effective Virtual Teaching Strategies to Support Learning Beyond the Classroom”, made possible by the UGC fund of the Inter-institutional Collaborative Activities for VTL. This project is established to delve into what virtual teaching and learning (VTL) strategies have been adopted to transcend learning for students in Higher Education in Hong Kong. And now, we would like to bring together colleagues to collectively reflect on their VTL practice and discuss opportunity and challenge on this journey.

This showcase exhibition will comprise five real-time keynote speeches by scholars from CUHK, CityU, HKBU, HKUST and Monash University. The keynote sessions will be conducted in the Metaverse and be streamed on Zoom simultaneously. In addition, 31 pre-recorded presentations from teachers from a wide range of disciplines across 6 universities will be showcased on Mozilla Hubs.


  • Keynote Addresses
    15 June 2023 (HKT) | 09:30 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. (HKT) | Mozilla Hubs & Online via Zoom
  • Pre-recorded presentations
    Open for visit from 15 June 2023 (HKT) | Mozilla Hubs

Keynote Speakers (According to the alphabetical order of the institutions)

  1. Presentation title: Virtual Education: Hybrid Learning and Flipped Classroom after Covid-19
    Dr. Yuk Wah CHAN | Associate Professor, Department of Public and International Affairs, CityU
    Dr. Wanxin LI | Associate Professor of Environment and Society, School of Energy and Environment, CityU
  2. Presentation title: VTL@HKBU: Some Lessons Learnt & How about the Metaverse?
    Professor William Kwok-wai CHEUNG
    Associate Vice-President (Undergraduate Programme)
    Professor, Department of Computer Science, HKBU

  3. Presentation title: Pushing the Ed-Tech Envelope – A Non-Academic Perspective in the Australian Context
    Mr. Cam PETTIONA
    Manager, Campus Operations, Faculty of Education, Monash University

  4. Presentation title: Applied gamification in the educational metaverse
    Dr. Christopher Yew Hong SEE
    Lecturer, School of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, CUHK

  5. Presentation title: Education meets the Metaverse, is it just another beautiful gimmick?
    Professor Ben Y. B. CHAN
    Director, Center for Engineering Education Innovation
    Associate Professor in Engineering Education, HKUST

For further details, please visit on the VTL Innovation Expo website at