
Science Faculty 60th Anniversary Distinguished Science Lecture – The Transformation from an Ordinary College Student to a Transformative Researcher


9 Jun 2023


4:00 – 5:30 pm


Lecture Theatre 4, Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA), The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Professor HOU Yizhao Thomas

Charles Lee Powell Professor of Applied and Computational Mathematics,
Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences,
California Institute of Technology


Free admission (All are welcome)

Please register here by 10pm, 8 June 2023 (Thursday)


Department of Mathematics|email:|tel: 3943-7988

Synopsis of Lecture:

A very important aspect of the education that we receive from college is the critical thinking ability that enables us to perform original and transformative research after we graduate from college. The knowledge that we learn from college is already well established and we tend to accept it without challenging its correctness. We are not used to think out of the box and have the curiosity to ask how this knowledge was created in the first place. To become an original and transformative researcher, we need to have the curiosity and the courage to challenge the existing theory, and the patience and persistence to carry it through, making the impossible become possible. The transformation from a good college student who can do well in homework and exams into a transformative researcher who can discover new scientific phenomena is a long process and requires certain special qualities in our way of thinking.

In this lecture, Professor Hou would like to share his personal experience how to become a transformative researcher from an ordinary college student who had no clue how to do original research. Hope that his personal story may inspire some of the young students to go out of their comfort zone and transform themselves to become an original thinker and a transformative researcher in the future.


Language: English and Cantonese

Jointly hosted by Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics and The Institute of Mathematical Sciences