
17 Jan 2023

Review of the Size and Composition of the CUHK Council

17 Jan 2023

To: All students and academic/non-academic staff members of the University


We write to seek your views and comments on the size and composition of the Council of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (the CUHK Council). 

Review of the Size and Composition of the CUHK Council

At its meeting on 12th December, 2022, the Council decided, in the interest of pursuing good governance principles and practices, to set up a Taskforce for the Review of the Size and Composition of  the CUHK Council  (the Taskforce), comprising five Council Members (Annex A of information.pdf).  The Taskforce has been asked to review whether the proposals of the 2016 Taskforce for the Review of the Size and Composition of the CUHK Council, in the light of the latest proposals presented by the Honourable Tommy Cheung Yu-yan, the Honourable Tang Ka-piu and the Honourable Lau Kwok-fan to the Panel on Education of the Legislative Council (the LegCo) at its meeting on 16th December, 2022, remain fit-for-purpose.  The Taskforce is to consult the stakeholders as appropriate and present its findings to the Council as soon as practicable.  For your ease of reference, the report of the 2016 Taskforce for Reviewing the Size and Composition of the Council (Annex B) and the proposals presented to the LegCo Panel on Education (Annex C) are available on the website information.pdf

Invitation for Views/Comments

All stakeholders are welcome to send in their views/comments on these proposals in writing, making use of the electronic template specifically provided for this purpose (please click to facilitate the collation and analysis by the Taskforce.   Any views or comments presented to the Taskforce and the identity of the person(s) or organisation(s) making them may be reported to the Council and included in some form of published documents.  Please also note that, if you wish to make representations in the name of your group or organisation, it would be advisable to go through the appropriate consultation with your constituents or processes. 

Face-to-face Consultation Sessions

In addition to receiving comments in writing, the Taskforce presently plans to convene two face-to-face sessions at the University campus for the stakeholders.  These sessions are scheduled on Tuesday, 21st February, 2023 at LT7 of Lee Shau Kee Building and Friday, 24th February, 2023 at LT5 of Lee Shau Kee Building respectively, both of which at 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.  Further details on these sessions and invitation for participation through registration will be announced later.

Deadline for Submission of Representations

Please note that any comments/views on the size and composition of the Council should be sent to the Taskforce by the end of February 2023 the latest.  The Taskforce will endeavour to  present its findings to the Council as soon as practicable.

For enquiries, please contact Ms. Judy San, Secretary to the Taskforce, c/o University Secretariat (email: or telephone 3943 7263 / 3943 1809).

Taskforce for the Review of the Size and Composition of the CUHK Council
17th January, 2023