
25 Nov 2021

CUHK student experience and supporting student organisations

25 Nov 2021

Dear members of the CUHK community,

Building a vibrant student experience is a key pillar of the new CUHK Strategic Plan 2021-2025 and we are more committed than ever to nurturing graduates that will contribute to society locally, nationally and globally.

Whole-person development, general education and career readiness are essential hallmarks of the CUHK graduate attributes, and we are committed to providing opportunities for students to enhance their self-cultivation, their resilience and their sense of social responsibility throughout their time with us. Participation in associations, clubs, societies and a prominent student voice in university life are essential ingredients in this important mission. We have been working hard to ensure that these activities across our community are well supported.

We are always open to constructive and collaborative dialogue with students, including exploring options for the establishment of a new student organisation, with good representation of the current student mix of the University and wide participation from all different student groups. Multiple formal engagement sessions with student representatives have been held and a transitional arrangement has been developed. I know that many of you will have questions and details will be announced shortly by the University Dean of Students.

Thank you for being a valued part of the CUHK community.

Yours sincerely,

Professor Rocky S. Tuan
Vice-Chancellor and President