
6 Nov 2021

Message from the Vice-Chancellor and Provost

6 Nov 2021

Dear Members of the CUHK Community

It has been a pleasure to see the return of the Congregation and see so many graduates celebrate this important milestone in their lives with the support of their family, friends and fellow members of the University.

This has been a long-awaited moment as we return to some form of normality following the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on many of our face-to-face activities and events.

The Congregation is a rite of passage for all students – it is the most important occasion in the CUHK student journey and is a time for Colleges, Faculties and members of our extended community to mark the end of this chapter of life, and the commencement of another.

We would like to offer our congratulations to every graduate who has been conferred with a CUHK degree over the past few days. These good wishes are extended to your parents, your friends, your extended families, and the employers who are about to see the benefit of hiring someone who has received a rigorous education grounded in whole-person development, general education and the substance of scholarship.

This is what CUHK is all about.

The University does not accept any behaviour or conduct which undermines these values and our diverse and inclusive community. A very small number of students have regrettably chosen to disrupt the Congregation – not through respectful expression but rather via means such as erecting objects in places which endanger safety, or obstructing the ability of our staff to perform their duties and serve our community as it celebrates the Congregation.

Respect, and common courtesy are fundamental values of our campus, our society and our species. We do not tolerate behaviour from the few, which is designed to spoil it for the many.

Indeed, the Congregation is the culmination of everything that is special about CUHK life, and reminds us that only through learning and temperance – are we led to virtue.

Thank you for celebrating this special moment and congratulations again to all our graduates.

Yours sincerely,

Rocky S. Tuan Alan K.L. Chan
Vice-Chancellor and President Provost