
The 21st Session of I·CARE Salon: Respect for Reason - Mou Zongsan’s “Learning for Life”

The 21st Session of I·CARE Salon: Respect for Reason - Mou Zongsan’s “Learning for Life”


27 Oct 2021


7:00 – 9:00 pm


Lecture Theatre 1, Mong Man Wai Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


Prof. Cheng Chung-yi

Biography of Speaker:

Prof. Cheng Chung-yi received his Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) and has been a member of the Visiting Scholars Program at Harvard-Yenching Institute. He is currently Professor in the Department of Philosophy and Director of the Research Centre for Chinese Philosophy and Culture at CUHK. His research interests span Confucian thought, history of Chinese philosophy, comparative studies of Chinese and Western philosophy, etc. Prof. Cheng is the author of《儒學、哲學與現代世界》(2010) and《明清儒學轉型探析 ── 從劉蕺山到戴東原》(2000), and the editor of 《中國哲學研究之新方向》(2014) and 《香港中文大學的當代儒者》(2006)。


Tel: 3943 4702

Event Details:

I·CARE Salon is an iconic programme under the University Lecture on Civility which promotes reflective thinking on different topics.  Through a series of seminars, participants will be able to exchange insights on significant academic, cultural and social issues.

Synopsis of Lecture:

This academic year’s motif of I·CARE Salon, which is under the University Lecture on Civility, is “reading”. It aims to encourage participants to maintain their persistence of dialogue and rumination in the time of uncertainty.


On-site registration and seating will be arranged according to the infection control measures laid down by the University.