
16 Jun 2021

Teaching Arrangements for Term 1 2021–22

16 Jun 2021

Dear colleagues and students,

In view of the stabilizing situation of COVID-19 in Hong Kong, the University plans to resume face-to-face academic and student activities on campus in the new academic year 2021–22.

Teaching Arrangements

Assuming that the present trend holds, with a relatively low rate of new COVID-19 infections and an increasing rate of vaccinations, the default mode of delivery of teaching and learning will be in person and on campus for all classes offered in Term 1, 2021–22.

Campus life is an essential part of university education. Although online teaching has proven to be effective, thanks to the exemplary effort of our faculty and staff, as well as the dedication of our students, face-to-face learning activities provide added value and contribute to whole-person development, which is a hallmark of CUHK education. Due precautionary measures will be put in place to keep our campus safe.

Special arrangements for students unable to enter Hong Kong due to travel restrictions

We understand that a small number of students residing outside Hong Kong may face travel restrictions preventing them from coming or returning to the University. For these students, special arrangements such as lecture recordings and individualized online tutorials will be made, as determined by the Faculties concerned. The Registry and Graduate School Office will provide such students with the needed information and support.

Specific to undergraduate students who are unable to enter Hong Kong due to travel restrictions, special online sections of selected classes such as General Education Foundation courses and required language courses will be made available. While we hope that resumption of face-to-face teaching and learning will be possible for all students in the new academic year, there will likely be some who cannot enter Hong Kong due to travel restrictions, and no effort will be spared to ensure that their learning is not adversely affected.

Infection control measures

Faculty, staff and students should strictly observe the University’s guidelines on COVID-19 prevention measures when attending face-to-face meetings, classes or examinations. Social distancing will be observed in classrooms, with appropriately arranged seating arrangements.

The health and wellbeing of CUHK members are always of utmost importance to the University. All members of the University are strongly encouraged to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The University will continue to monitor the situation and will act promptly to revert to online teaching and learning in the unfortunate event that the pandemic takes a turn for the worse.

Wishing everyone a safe and productive summer break,

Yours sincerely,

Alan K.L. Chan
